An “open resource bank” of different well-educated migrants who can give lectures in different topics in different higher education institutions is created. The needs of the partner universities are mapped out and lectures in different subjects and faculties are piloted. In addition, there are created shared courses where the university lecturers and the migrant lecturers can share their expertise online, learn from each other and co-create new innovative learning outcomes that benefit both teachers and students, including participating NGOs.

Hasan Metin, Project Management & Consultancy Services
Guest Lecture: Integrations- Awareness/Language/Culture
hasanmetindr [@]

Arshad Haroon, Software quality assurance specialist
Guest Lecture: Thinking beyond the lines (Learning out of school/certificates)
arshadharoon [@]

Maria Helena Vieira, Student
Guest Lecture: Mental Health- Balance between Student & Social life
mariahelenavieira489 [@]

Annie Tanampai, Migrant entrepreneurship and Social entrepreneurship
Guest Lecture: What it takes to be an Entrepreneur
arunrat.tanampai [@]

Ahmet Sayer, Co-Founder and President of European Migrant Platform(EMP)
Guest Lecture: Building Networks/Connections
ahmet.sayer [@]

Ibrahim E. Sancak, Professor of Finance
Guest Lecture: Sustainable Finance, Economic implications
i.sancak [@]

Sevgi Temizisler, Co-Founder and President of European Migrant Platform(EMP)
Guest Lecture: Politicization of migration and its impacts on European integration
Link to the Lecture on Youtube [@]

Handan Sayer, Senior Gender Equality Expert Co-founder of European Migrant Platform
Guest Lecture: Challenges faced by migrant and refugee women in integration process
handanhosgoren [@]