IntegratE skilled migrants
ParticipatE in university activities
establish an European wide network
The growing immigrant population in Europe makes visible the fact that there is a large number of refugees and immigrants whose skills, capacity and expertise are not properly utilized in Europe. Immigrants’ fast and effective job market participation experiences increase their positive feelings regarding belonging. The ILO-Intercultural Learning Online project, funded by the European Union will organize opportunities for highly educated immigrants to use their talents and capacity by lecturing in partner universities and by conducting shared workshops and short courses to improve their self-esteem.
Intercultural Encounters, a handbook based on drawing insights from the ILO (Intercultural Learning Online) Project’s two-year collaboration with four universities and one NGO aims to promote internationalization in universities. The guide emphasizes the importance of addressing the challenge of skilled professionals in Europe facing barriers to entering jobs aligned with their education.
Mentor handbook, is created as a support for students in their individual and professional development, as well as to address overall challenges they may be facing at their university, particularly as it relates to their immigrant background. Mentoring focuses on the personal and professional development of students, with attention to enhancing employability through the student’s increased awareness and understanding of themselves and what they can contribute to the professional arena.
Skilled Migrants
Organize opportunities for highly educated immigrants to use their talents.
University Activities
Establish a European wide network of migrant NGOs, educators and students to work together.
European Wide Network
Improve the self-esteem of immigrant students by giving their role-models.
Project Partners

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